Central Station
Left Station
Right Stationcs

Blood Draw Station

MMIV – CS (Central Station), MMIV – LS (Left), MMIV – RS (Right)

Height Adjustable Mobile Blood Draw Table

Chaparral Blood Draw Stations are ergonomically engineered to help reduce repetitive strain injuries in phlebotomists. The uniquely designed stations feature customizable supply storage above waist level and within easy reach of the phlebotomist. No bending, turning, or excessive reaching is required to access all tools and disposables.

The Blood Draw Station, along with our Adjustable Draw Stand and Apollo Technology Poles, is part of Chaparral’s Phlebotomy Workstation solution.  It has undergone extensive independent, evidence-based studies conducted in partnership with OSHA, large scale health systems and ergonomic experts.  These studies show an elimination of or significant reduction of (92%) risk factors, including a reduced musculoskeletal risk of up to 91%.

Included with Station

  • Glove holder inserts
  • Tube holders
  • Loose tube holders
  • Tube & wipe holders
  • Trash cans
  • Large sharp disposals


  • Ergonomically engineered to reduce phlebotomist musculoskeletal risk
  • Helps reduce needle stick injuries
  • Helps to increase lab efficiency
  • Contributes to HIPAA compliance
  • Durable cabinets have a long useful life
  • Customizable storage
  • Modular design provides scalability
  • Made in Portland, OR by union sheet metal craftspeople


The innovative Ergonomic Phlebotomy Workstation has been engineered to increase safety and efficiency for health care staff. Tested and proven in clinical studies to significantly reduce overall musculoskeletal risk to phlebotomists, for greater employee satisfaction and more cost savings for health systems.

Deployed in thousands of healthcare settings nationwide, the workstation has a distinctive scalable, modular design that allows it to be used in any number of workplace configurations. Highly durable construction is designed to handle the most demanding patient caseloads.

All of Chaparral’s products are ADA and HIPAA compliant. Our products are made in Portland, OR by union sheet metal craftspeople.